Remember, this is just an example. Once you mastered it, you could try another effect for better result.
This is the photo we will use.
Okay, let's start.
Step 1
Open the file using Photoshop. Then we will select the head area by using Extract tool. We can open the tool by pressing Alt + Ctr + X or we can find it from the filter bar as shown below.
Next we will select the head area by using Edge Highlighter Tool.
Make sure that we have the Smart Highlighting selected and adjust the brush size to 59. We can adjust the brush size as needed.
Mark the edges of the area that we want to retain. We can see the head area that we want to retain.
Then, fill the areas that we want to retain with Fill Tool.
We can use Cleanup Tool and Edge Touchup Tool to get the selected area more better result. We need more patient in this step.
Now we already have the head selected.
Step 2
Next we will have the head adjusted. But before we get there, we will get the background duplicated by pressing Ctrl + J while the background layer selected.
Now we will adjust the head size to give funny effect. Just click the Show Transform Controls then while holding the Shift button we drag the corner to adjust the picture size. Press Enter after we get the size that we want.
Step 3
Now we will use Liquify Tool to give caricature effect. Press Shift + Ctrl + X or we can find the tool at the filter bar.
To get start playing with Liquify Tool, we need to know the function of the Tools. At this time we will using Forward Warp Tool to retouch the Edge of the face, eyebrows, hair, cheek, chin, ears and lips. You can adjust the brush size as needed.
This is the result.
Next we will playing with Bloat Tool . This will give bloat effect to the object.
We will retouch the eyes and nose with this tool.
And this is the result!
Press OK to close the window.
Step 4
This is the image we will get for now.
The next step will merge the Layer 1 and Background Copy by selecting both layer then press Ctrl + E.
Step 5
To give soft effect to the skin we can use Surface Blur tool.
Set the radius to 85 pixel and threshold to 7, then pres OK
Step 6
Next we will give the image more cartoon color effect. There are some step to retouch. Here we will go.
We will use Dry Brush. Open it from Filter + Artistic + Dry Brush. Then adjust the Brush Size = 6, Brush Detail = 1, Texture = 2. Then press OK.
After that, we will use Dark Strokes effect. Open it from Filter + Brush Strokes + Dark Strokes. Make an adjustment as shown below. Then press OK.
Next, duplicate the Layer 1 and adjust the Layer 1 copy to black & white. Then adjust the layer to Overlay. This will give more color effect. We can also try another adjustment but for this tutorial I will only show you this step.
Then merge Layer 1 and Layer 1 Copy.
Step 7
We almost get there. We will give the Halftone Pattern to the image.
Open the tool from Filter bar + Sketch + Halftone Pattern.
Make an adjustment like this, Size = 3, Contrast = 18 and Pattern Type : Dot. Then press OK.
Step 8
This is the final step. I believe now you already have a funny caricature image, what we need now is to give final adjustment for shadow. We can use Burn Tool and Dodge Tool. There are NO rules in giving adjustment with Burn Tool or Dodge Tool. Just give a try for better result.

This is the final result!
Try it!
Thank You. Basic Photography Tutorial
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