Some times we cannot decided whether our picture will be better in color or black and white. Why don't we keep it in both? In this Photoshop tutorial, we'll learn an easy way to create a selective coloring effect by using Photoshop. What we will do is converting a photo to black and white while leaving the main subject in full color.
This will take just a few short step!
Check this out!
Here's the image I'll be using for this tutorial:
Let's get started!
Step 1: Select Your Main Subject
To select the main subject, we will using the selection tool. You can choose using Lasso Tool, Quick Selection Tool, Pen Tool, etc and it's all depend on your choice then draw a selection outline around the main subject of your photo. In my case, I'll use the Magnetic Lasso Tool.

When you're done, you should see a selection outline around your subject:
Step 2: Invert The Selection
Look at the picture above, we already have our main subject selected. Now we have to invert our selection because what we need is for everything selected except the main subject. Right click on your mouse then choose select inverse. Or, for a faster way to invert a selection, just press Shift+Ctrl+I (Win) on your keyboard:
Now we have everything except the main subject selected.
Step 3: Add A Black & White Adjustment Layer
Click on the New Adjustment Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers panel. Then choose Black & White from the list of adjustment layers that appears:
We can adjust the black & white version by dragging the color slider to left or right.
After we get our black & white adjustment, click OK to close.
Now we have our final selective color result:
You can try it with different images and make a nice selective color effect with Photoshop.
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